Q-Stars – Glitter Paint Effect in Gold and Silver for Walls
Q-Stars Gold and Q-Stars Pearl are beautiful paints that makes walls shine with their metallic gold and silver glitter. Developed by TrendyPaints, these paints were created for professionals who needed an elegant glitter paints that are beautiful to look at and fun to touch.
These paints are similar to the Xiramet paints, but Q-Stars features gold and silver glitter for a sparking effect. When the room lights are positioned correctly, the wall will sparkle creating a fun effect. These water-based and non-toxic paints were developed with metal powder microspheres and glitter for a smooth texture and semi-gloss finish.
Q-Stars can be painted on walls, plasterboard walls and other surfaces. It is very easy to apply and a person does not need special painting tools or need to have special painting skills. For best results, the wall surface should be smooth with a white base colour. Using a brush, apply two coats of Q-Stars with alternating movments. This will create a very realistic metallic glitter effect that will be fun to look at. The painting tools can be washed with warm water and soap. You can see some of the colours in the below colour catalogue.

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